
Introduction to CanalNETWORK software

Well come!

CanalNETWORK is a software product that offers targeted solution to the design, analysis and documentation of a system of gravity canal networks. It is a product of a committed work to understand the practice of irrigation systems design in the local context, as well as governing theory in open channel hydraulics.

This introcution is intended to give basic knowledge about the key problems that the software solves, and different tools available to solve them. It focuses on key features of the software, and is NOT a comprhensive document containing all the details.

The following topics are discussed:

Refer to other sections of this documentation to learn more about specific usage and application of the software to tackle day to day design tasks.

If you have any comments about this document, we will appreciate if you drop us an email at

Uses and applicaiton of CanalNETWORK software

CanalNETWORK software is an all-in-one solution, that allows to design, analyse and document the planning and design of canal irrigation systems. It allows to process data from start to end, allowing production of reach graphic and tabular documents to AutoCAD, as well as other text presentation software.

CanalNETWORK software for use in:

Data and Software required for use with CanalNETWORK

Working with CanalNETWORK software requires the following tools:

In addition, text and spreadsheet applications are also helpful to export and/or import data to and from.

CanalNETWORK software handles detailed design task for an system of irrigation canals, whose layout has been well prepared. It does NOT include solution for creating layout of canals. The following data are required to start using the software:

Standard workflow

CanalNETOWORK allows for flexible design approaches and processes. However, due to high dependency of tasks on available data, it is recommended to adopt the below discussed workflow. Adopting this workflow is proven to offer optimal progress towards the final products in the shortest possible time.

Note in the above figure that:

Refer to relevant guide lines on how to proceed with each of the above stages, or final production of construction drawings.

How to use Online Documentation

The online documents available for reference are organized in to chapters that users can get the most out of. The recommended way, especially for those who are learning the software, is to cover the materials sequentially - as outlined below. This is also the structure adopted in the home page of this guide (here)

  1. Design Criteria

  2. Layout Plans and Network Resolution

  3. Farm Blocks and Network Sizing

  4. Profile Data Extraction (iCAD Product)

  5. Longitudinal Design of Routes

  6. Design Production

Additional technical informaiton is available as below:

  1. Surface Modelling in iCAD and CanalNETWORK products