
Update Jan-Apr22

Hi Everyone,

We are pleased to bring to you many enhanced features and functionalities to our products, based on UX feedbacks we have recieved over the past few months. The update in this period, includes - among others - the following key features:

Download files:

Alwats make sure you are working with the updated versions of our products. To update your software to the recent version, down load these resources and follow the usual procedure.

Note: The download links will take you to a goole drive link. Go to the top right of the page, and choose download to get the files.

NEW UPDATES: CanalNETWORK (i) above is improved as follows:

For more information on the updated features and how to use them, refer to the online documentation. An all new content is added on Design Production.

Previous Updates(Mar22): CanalNETWORK(f) above is improved for the following reporeted issues on 20TH FEB 2022

Older Updates (15th Feb) updates included below fixes:


iCAD Product:

The iCAD product is modified for the following features:

Canal Network

User Interaction




Bug fixes

The following bugs are fixed in this version, providing better overall performance to users.

greater value to users.